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Private Lessons

Privates - one on one a with coach *

Semi privates – a maximum of 3 athletes at one time.

*Please be aware with this type of request the cost and availability may vary.

There is a mandatory $40 annual gym registration fee that you'll need to pay before your first visit to the gym.

If you are not already enrolled in the Carol Bruno's Extreme Cheernastics  - Xtreme AthletiX program, Please complete the online Registration Form and Waiver or print them out. You'll then need to stop by Xtreme AthletiX on your first visit to pay your annual registration fee of $40 and turn in your paper forms. This must be completed before your athlete will be allowed to participate in the private lesson.

Waiver Form

If you are interested in private lessons, please fill out the following survey.

What are you looking to get out of your private lesson?
Which day best fits your schedule?
If you chose tumbling, please choose what level you are focusing on?
Which time section better fits the day you chose? **Each private lasts 30 minutes unless scheduled otherwise. Please be aware that some times may not be avaiable upon request due to team practices in our facility.
How often are you looking to schedule these priavtes?
Please choose the selection below

Thanks for submitting!

Please see Level Skill Chart above if you are unsure of your skill level.


Class Schedule


Xtreme Athletix

243 Capital blvd. Houma, LA. 70360


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